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Do you want to invest, protect or build up savings?

All your needs are covered by Foyer Lux-Assurances.


Retirement savings solutions

horizon is a supplementary pension plan that allows you to build up capital while taking advantage of stock market opportunities. Your payments are invested in investment funds.

Tax-deductible, the premiums you pay help you build up capital at an advantageous rate.


Investment savings

With investment insurance, you can make your money grow while preparing for your future and that of your loved ones, and ensuring that your assets are passed on with peace of mind.

Thanks to our invest4change and smartlife investment solutions, you can build up solid capital and benefit from the performance of the financial markets to help it grow.


Personal protection

Protect4life is a life insurance policy designed to protect you against the hazards of life in the event of disability or death. It pays a lump sum to the beneficiary of your choice or an annuity to your children, while optimising your tax liability.


Focus investment

Outstanding balance term insurance guarantees repayment of your mortgage in the event of unforeseen events affecting your financial situation.

Our Focus Investissement solution gives you peace of mind.

Find all our tips on our blog

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