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Anticipating a tailored retirement

Foyer Lux-Assurances also thinks about your retirement in Luxembourg and has developed horizon, a complementary pension plan to build up your retirement capital while taking advantage of stock market opportunities. Your payments are invested into investment funds that are managed daily by our specialists at CapitalatWork according to your investor profile. An insurance that looks towards the future.

2 plans to choose from to prepare your retirement according to your needs

The conditions

Minimum contract duration: 10 years


Age at the end of the contract: minimum 60 years old and maximum 75 years


Balance between growth and security

50% in investment funds

50% in protected capital

PLAN 100


100% invested in investment funds

Your benefits


You are free to choose the frequency and amount of premiums paid into your savings.

Passing on your assets

In the event of premature death, the amount saved to date is paid out to the beneficiaries you have designated.

Choice of regulation

Between the ages of 60 and 75, for your retirement, you can choose between: receiving a monthly life annuity, disposing freely of all or part of your capital or to combine the two options. In the event of disability or serious illness, your pension or lump sum can be paid out before retirement age.

Safe and secure management

Your pension plan savings are managed by a team of experienced asset managers. They constantly strive for the right investment balance between risk and return to take advantage of the performance offered by the financial markets.

Tax optimisation

The premiums paid for an old-age pension provision are deductible from your taxable amount (article 111bis of the Income Tax Act).


You can deduct up to €3,200/year under your horizon contract.

Optimisation fiscale

Les primes versées au titre d'un contrat de prévoyance vieillesse sont déductibles de votre montant imposable (article 111bis de la loi sur l’Impôt des Revenus).

Vous pouvez déduire jusqu’à 3 200 €/an dans le cadre de votre contrat horizon.

MyFoyer Client Area

On your MyFoyer Customer Area, you can consult your contracts, request a certificate or tax certificate or simply update your personal information.

Assurance pension foyer

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